Friday, 9 November 2012

White Chocolate Cheescake

I am not a big fan of cheesecake but when my Mammy came home with this recipe I found a new love for cheesecake. It is truly divine, slightly on the heavy side and not suitable if you are on a diet of any kind as it is so fattening but once you have one bite you can't help but stay eating. I decided I would share this recipe with my fellow bloggers :) 

-1/2 pack of digestive biscuits (more or less pending on how thick you want the base)
-80g melted butter
-small carton of cream - thickened
1/2 mug of caster sugar
-2 x 200g bars of white chocolate (purple cardboard cover in Lidl is the best)
-2 x 200g Philadelphia cream cheese
To decorate:
-bashed up flake/raspberries or whatever you fancy :)


  1. Prepare base: bash biscuits and mix with melted butter and press into cake tin (line it with clingfilm so it is easy to lift out)
  2. Lightly whip cream and leave to one side
  3. With electric mixer, mix Philadelphia and caster sugar together until really smooth
  4. Melt chocolate and add cream and chocolate to Philadelphia and sugar and continue to mix until really smooth
  5. Pour onto biscuit base and refrigerate (over night is best - if you can wait)
  6. Decorate as desired and enjoy!
It should turn out something like this:


Until next time,
Liz X

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